Podcast of the weekly gatherings for Gallery Church, displaying God's greatness to Baltimore. For more information on our church please visit http://gcbalt.com

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Out With The Old (Ellis Prince)


This week we begin our 6 week series "Raised To New Life." For the next 6 weeks as we journey from Easter to Pentecost we will be examining Ephesians 4 together and connecting it to Jesus' teachings during his ministry on Earth.

During this teaching, pastor Ellis talks about truth and lies and encourages us to connect with not just Jesus' teachings in places like the Sermon on the Mount, but also with other examples throughout the Bible that warn us about the impact lies can have on our lives, our heart, and ultimately the world.

Categories | Christianity | Sermon | Uncategorized


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 8.23MB - Duration: 33:58 m (34 kbps 22050 Hz)